Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Long Ago, Mommy Used To Be Daddy

ママは昔パパだった (Mama wa mukashi Papa datta) is the name of that show I told you guys about several weeks ago. Well, the first two episodes were finally captured and released to the big wide Internet, and I got my hands on 'em and couldn't put the program down. It was that good. The bad news is, it's a sappy drama -- so if you're not like me and you can't stand sappy dramas, wuh oh! -- and what's more, it's still not subtitled, so if you can't speak the language then you're S.O.L. kinda for now. :( I myself am obviously not fluent, but I'd say I was able to understand ~75% of the conversations whenever they weren't discussing medicine or law, and during those talks I'd still say I knew ~50% of the words.

Since the files are big (~1 gig a pop) and long (> 50 minutes a pop), I figured I'd edit out some sample footage for you guys so you could see for yourselves whether or not you'd be interested in pursuing an English subtitle option for this TV show or whether you'd rather save yourself the trouble and move along with your life. Me? I think the program's great. But I've got a huge bias going in since I've thought about this specific sexual identity crisis for probably over half of my life at this point. It's always fascinated me, and I've always been a real big supporter of these people, their legitimate arguments grounded in psychiatry and genetics, and their difficult fight convincing the public that there is such a thing as a difference between being a woman born in a man's body and being a gay man.

Sample 1 (Episode 1 Sample #1)
Sample 2 (Episode 2 Sample #1)
Sample 3 (Episode 2 Sample #2)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu (full OP)

I don't know how I missed this, but apparently the full-length version of the opening to Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Yuuutsu came out in April. Whoops. But I'm lovin' it now, uploadin' it to my iPhone, and sharin' it with you.

And fully expecting NONE of you to enjoy it. XD But I expect you'll get a laugh out of this update, hence the update. :) "Oh, that crazy Ryan ..." Well, no, I'm not crazy :p ... though this song certainly is. lol Awesomely so, though. :D

The opening to the original series was much more peaceful, and is uploaded for comparison's sake.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome to テレビ日本 !

This is one of my several weblogs. Here, I will be posting updates pertaining to Japanese cartoons (anime), Japanese primetime dramas (J-drama), and the occasional comedy sketch or morning news sample. It'll be mostly anime, though.

That's about it for now. We'll hit the ground running with the next update. Until then!